Welcome to Farmville Church of Christ
Let's make our community a better place!
Welcome to Farmville Church of Christ
Let's make our community a better place!
Let's make our community a better place!
Let's make our community a better place!
The Annual Ladies Retreat is fast approaching.
Date: Friday Evening, May 2, 2025
Time: 6-9 pm
Place: Farmville Church of Christ, 1401 Milnwood Rd, Farmville, VA
"Mustard Seed Faith"
Matthew 17:14-20
Mark 9:14-29
Check out our archived sermons by clicking on the "Archived Sermons" tab above.
Welcome to Farmville Church of Christ! We are excited to tell you about the various ministries that make up this church body. You will find our church family loving, caring and supportive. With wonderful worship, meaningful bible studies, youth groups, young adult groups, and senior adult outreaches, it would be a privilege to have you join us. Together we can fellowship and praise the Lord Jesus Christ, and make a difference in the community in which we live.
We believe that Jesus is the Christ---the Son of the Living God, who came to earth in human flesh, born of a virgin, lived a perfect sinless life, died as a sacrifice for our sins, raised from the grave and is enthroned in Heaven and will some day come back to receive His own. We accept the Bible as the written Word of God and final authority in our lives. Salvation comes by placing complete trust in Him as Lord and Savior, turning away from sin to live for Him and being baptized into Christ that we may exhibit God's Holy Spirit in our new found life.
Exodus 27: 1
“The altar of burnt offering was the first thing the Israelites saw as they entered the tabernacle courtyard. Here sacrifices were constantly made. Its vivid presence constantly reminded the people that they could only come to God by means of sacrifice. It was the only way their sins could be forgiven and taken away. In Hebrews 10:1-18, Jesus Christ is portrayed as the ultimate sacrifice. This teaches that we are not to seek any other means to having a personal relationship with God. No counseling theory, Eastern mysticism, or modern ideas of spirituality can remove our sin. Jesus is our only High Priest today. Put all your confidence in him."